Student Solution


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Ch 12 Discussion

Ch 12 Discussion

Q Rogan, tried several times to pass the state electrician's exam and failed. Nevertheless, he felt confidant that he knew enough to accept jobs requiring an electrician's license. Duggan hired Rogan to do some electrical work in one of his buildings. Prior to commencing the job Duggan learned of Rogan's failure to have the designated license and thereby cancelled the contract with Rogan. Rogan claims he should be paid because he turned down other electrician-type jobs to accept this job with Duggan. Enforceable contract? Should Rogan be paid? Is Duggan a party to be held liable because he failed to ask to see Rogan's license?

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I think that this is a clear case of an unlicensed transaction. This is because of the lack of a valid license which Rogan should have acquired and possessed for working in his field and area of expertise. This is because a valid license is required for an individual to claim and prove to be expertized in the area and the field of being an electrician. Therefore, in this situation, it must be comprehended that in order to practice his occupation as an electrician, Rogan was supposed to acquire and possess a valid license which Rogan had failed to acquire and possess before entering into a contract with Duggan.